For Children & Youth

“The parent-child connection is the most powerful mental health intervention known to mankind.”

Bessel van der Kolk

The hardest job in the world is being a parent.

You are responsible for another person’s mental, emotional, and physical growth. When things become difficult, it’s OK to seek assistance.

Although children can experience the same mental health issues as adults, their signs may be distinct and challenging for parents to recognize. Depending on your child’s age, normal childhood development is a process that involves constant change, and they might not be able to express how they feel or why they are acting a specific way. The first step is learning to spot early indicators of needed children therapies.

Behavioral or mental health disorders in children experiencing mental health disorders are generally defined as delays in developing age-appropriate thinking, behaviors, social skills, or regulation of emotions.

Children with these issues find it difficult to operate normally at home, school, or other social settings.

Practice Areas and Specialties





Online through Secure video sessions, In home

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Practice Areas and Specialties

Pre-marital, Sex & intimacy issues, High achieving men, Therapists, Thought processes Individual counseling (Insurance accepted-see fee page), Couples counseling, Family Counseling, In-home Couple/family counseling


Adults (18+)
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What is typical in children?

All children experience emotional ups and downs, including depressive spells, friend conflicts, and declines in academic performance. These typical developmental obstacles could force your child to adapt their viewpoint or develop new abilities. Most of the time, your child can solve the problem if you give them your support, empathy, and patience.

It is crucial for parents to first listen and then validate your child’s experiences.

It is normal to want to jump in and fix your child’s problems. We get it. You hurt when your child hurts. But children need to know they are being heard and their children’s mental health is valid. You can confirm their experience by saying, ‘I see this is hard for you’ or ‘I notice you’ve been down lately.’ Your child will be more open to discussing things when they feel heard.

What is typical in youth?

Most of the time, if you provide your teen support, compassion, patience, and an empathetic ear, he or she will sort it out.

paragraph to: But what is normal? And are this ‘normal’ times?

When most of us were teenagers, we didn’t have constant access to information from all over the world. We didn’t have social media outlets to communicate through, get bullied on, or compare our selves within. We didn’t have ‘likes’ or ‘following’ to establish our self-worth or lack thereof. We didn’t have a global epidemic that robbed us of our opportunity to socialize and enjoy teenage milestones like school dances, first dates, and graduation. Being an adolescent, these days is clearly everything but “normal”.

When life is stressful, our kids watch us for cues. When we keep calm amid the chaos, we teach our kids they can too.

Raising a teen is hard and being a teen is even harder.

Young people aged 15 to 24 are more likely to experience mental illness and anxiety disorders than any other age group, with suicide being the second leading cause of death.

Children’s mental health concerns in adolescents can mirror adult conditions, though recognizing symptoms can be difficult for parents. Normal adolescent development involves constant change, and teens may struggle to express their emotions or reasons for behavior. The first step towards addressing children’s mental health challenges in adolescence is understanding how to identify warning signs.

When and how to get assistance

Have faith in your instincts. You know your Kid best! 

Sometimes a problem that seems typical for children can develop into something more problematic. Trust your gut if something just doesn’t seem right. Find out whether your child’s teacher, close friends, or other caregivers have seen any changes in your child’s behavior. At times, it can be challenging to communicate with your teen and get them to open up about their world. Most adolescents are unable to define their feelings or verbally express what is going on with them. Something just isn’t right, but they can’t untangle the mix of hormones, feelings, brain chemistry, their social world, and expectations of themselves and others. Talking to a therapist can provide a safe space for teens to explore their emotions and navigate these complexities.

How to show your unconditional support and love

♡ Identify the behaviors you have seen, usually lasting a few weeks or more, that are concerning to you, and be specific.
♡ Speak with your child or teen about your concerns. Keep it to no more than 3 and be very brief.
♡ Listen to their responses for at least 3 minutes without talking, rebutting, judging or trying to fix it. Just listen.
♡ Repeat back to them what you heard them say and validate their feelings are ok to have and ask how you can work together to help them.

“Children are not problems. They have problems.” L.R. Knost

Share your concerns with your Pediatrician

Pediatricians can reassure parents by assisting them in differentiating between what is and what isn’t typical. Be specific about what is worrying you about your child or teen’s children’s mental health. They will let you know if they recommend working with a therapist or if medication would be beneficial

It Will be OK

Don’t assume that your child or teen will need medication or hospitalization

Every child is unique, and their treatment should be tailored to address their symptoms, which may or may not involve medication or, in certain cases, hospitalization. This is why early identification and intervention are crucial for children’s mental health. While therapy is the most prevalent treatment for teenagers with mental health challenges, behavior therapy is the most common approach for children. For younger children, this may involve incorporating playtime or games alongside discussion about their experiences during play. Through therapy, your child or teen can learn to express their thoughts and emotions, effectively respond to them, and develop new behaviors and coping skills.

Being a Parent Is like folding a fitted sheet, no one really knows how.

You are not a failure

It is important to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health treatment. While parents promptly seek medical care for physical injuries or illnesses, such as broken bones or an ear infection, there remains a certain level of fear and shame associated with seeking therapeutic support for emotional injuries or mental ailments like grief, anxiety, depression, or social struggles. We want to stress that prioritizing your child’s mental health is just as important, if not more, as maintaining their physical well-being. By addressing mental health challenges and fostering healthy self-care habits from a young age, your child and teen can develop the tools they need to navigate future life stressors better, unlock their full potential, and reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.

How we can help your child or teen AND your family

Whether the stress comes from underlying issues or a specific event, we can guide effectively managing stress. We will teach positive coping strategies and challenge you each to do something different, all the while providing the support and guidance you and your family need to navigate life’s continuous challenges, including those related to children’s mental health.

Signs of Children or Teen’s Mental Health Issues

Things to watch and seek professional help if your child:

“Children don’t say ‘I had a hard day, can we talk?’ They say, ‘Will you play with me?’” Lawrence Cohen

Being a good parent does not mean providing our kids with a perfect life. Rather, it means we help give the skills to lead a health and happy life within the imperfect world we live.

“There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” Sue Atkins